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RR Writer

20w, 50w, 70w

RR-Writer 20

The LASER-marker is a tool becoming almost indispensable to have in both the jewelry and industrial sectors. It is particularly useful for the marking of texts, logos, designs and graphic patterns. From serial numbering to photo engraving, the LASER-marker is perfect for customizing metallic objects or precious alloys.




• An integrated video camera  facilitates the viewing of the LASER-marking area and ensures total control during the marking phase.


• An adjustable Z-axis facilitates the focusing of pieces in the marking area, thanks to the aid of two high clarity pilot diode-LASERs.


• Powerful enough to cut up to 1.5 mm - 2.0 mm thick metal plates, depending on the machine.


• The "COLD-Light" technology, thanks to the scarce generation of heat, eliminates the need for pre-heating the equipment and avoids the use of auxiliary cooling devices.


• Operating commands can be viewed and executed using either the machine’s control pad or the software.


• The possibility to import images, models, logos, texts, etc., from a broad range of files with different extensions.


• The RR-Writer by OROTIG could also be fitted with a rotary axis device, to facilitate LASER-marking of curved surfaces, such as the inside or outside of rings or bracelets.

Additional Features:

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